FVIP Certification


If you are interested in becoming a certified Family Violence Intervention Program (FVIP) Facilitator or Provider in the state of Georgia, here are the steps you will need to take.

A Certified FVIP Facilitator instructs classes that offenders of domestic violence are court-ordered to attend. A Certified FVIP Provider is the owner of the program where the offender of domestic violence attends class. This is not certification for someone who would like to work with victims of domestic violence. 


Steps to FVIP Facilitator Certification

Steps to FVIP Provider Certification

Download this pdf file. Find a Certified FVIP Facilitator


Director of Program Planning and Development Jameelah Ferrell

Jameelah is the agency's best point of contact on issues including:

  • GCFV's Projects
  • GCFV's Annual Family Violence Conference
  • Family Violence Intervention Program Inquiries