Strangulation Assault Training

House Bill 911, which added language to the existing aggravated assault statute to make strangulation a felony offense, was signed into law by Governor Deal on April 24, 2014. This legislation enables law enforcement to charge strangulation as a felony assault and allows prosecutors to prosecute this crime more successfully and seek a sentence that reflects the seriousness of this offense.
We are excited to announce the release of a new training video for law enforcement, entitled Responding to Strangulation Assault. The purpose of this training video is to provide officers with enhanced training for investigating strangulation assault incidents, appropriately responding to victims of strangulation assault, and evidence collection that will assist in the prosecution of perpetrators. GCFV partnered with the Prosecuting Attorney's Council (PAC), the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV), Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC), and Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) to create the content of the training video.
The training video has been approved by GPSTC for 1 hour of POST certified training. In order to receive this credit, you must watch the video on GPSTC.