GCFV Quarterly Commission Meeting Public Comment Guidelines
GCFV Quarterly Commission Meeting Public Comment Guidelines
The public comment period is an essential part of our Georgia Commission on Family Violence quarterly meetings. This is an opportunity for members of the public to inform Commission members about their views and share concerns. Below are the guidelines regarding public comment at Commission meetings of the GCFV.
- The public may not PARTICIPATE in decision-making and discussion periods during the meeting. This includes commentary in the chat feature of video-conferencing meetings.
- The public comment period is the time for members of the public to express their views in order to inform the Commission. The Commission will not engage in open dialogue with the public during this time. The Commission shall not discuss or take action relative to any public comment during this meeting.
- All public comments are taken under advisement by the Commission. However, the Chair may provide brief, factual information in response to a remark, at his/her discretion. There will be no further response permitted following a remark by the chair. If further response is required, please direct it to the Commission, in writing, at gcfv@dcs.ga.gov.
- Speakers should address remarks to the Commission as a whole and not to any individual member or staff, unless in response to a direct question from a member or unless invited to speak by a member for a designated purpose.
- All speakers are asked to state their full name after being recognized by the Chair and before providing remarks.
- Speakers must limit remarks to items discussed on the agenda. Please direct unrelated questions or concerns to the Commission, in writing, at gcfv@dcs.ga.gov.
- Each speaker shall limit comments to two (2) minutes and shall promptly conclude all comments when his or her time has expired. (The Commission will make efforts during meetings to provide a visible and/or audible public timer, so the speaker knows how much time is available. However, in the absence of such timer, the Chair or his/her designee will indicate when the time has expired.)
Each person addressing the Commission shall do so in a respectful, orderly manner and shall not use derogatory language or engage in conduct that materially disrupts, is an ongoing distraction or otherwise impedes the orderly and efficient conduct of the meeting. Three warnings to cease from disruptive behavior will be given before any action will be taken.