Task Force Information
FVIP Facilitators and Providers are required to attend family violence task force meetings. If there is no task force in your community, you can attend a meeting in a neighboring community.
Effective January 1, 2023, Certified FVIP facilitators and providers are required to attend task force meetings. Task force meetings are the only meetings that will meet this requirement. The only exception would be GCFV Quarterly Commission Meetings, GCFV-Delivered Judicial Circuit Meetings and Family Connection Meetings. Certified facilitators cannot receive task force hour credit for any other activity or meeting.
Effective January 1, 2023, Facilitators-in-training are required to attend 15 hours of family violence task force meetings. Facilitators-in-Training cannot receive task force hour credit for any other activity or meeting.
Please use the directory to locate a Family Violence Task Force in your judicial circuit. Some Judicial Circuits have two or more Task Forces. If your Judicial Circuit does not have an active Family Violence Task Force and you'd like to start one, please contact Stacey Seldon.
Contact Family Violence Coordinator
Stacey Seldon
Stacey is the agency's best point of contact on issues including:
- Family Violence Task Forces