Fatal Incident Reporting

The Fatality Review Project in Georgia gathers data on domestic violence deaths to bring about community change and reduce the number of such homicides. We rely on your expertise and engagement in identifying domestic violence fatalities within your service area. Together, we can work towards creating a future free from violence in Georgia.

Domestic violence deaths encompass several scenarios, including:

  • When one intimate partner kills another intimate partner.
  • When a bystander is killed during an active domestic violence incident.
  • When an intimate partner dies by suicide during or immediately following a domestic violence incident.
  • When an intimate partner is killed by law enforcement while responding to a domestic violence incident, or when law enforcement is killed by an intimate partner in such circumstances. This also includes situations where the incident occurs while serving a warrant related to family violence, Temporary Protective Order, or similar.

Intimate partners refer to individuals who are or have been involved in the following relationships:

  • Dating
  • Formerly dated
  • Married
  • Formerly married
  • Share a child

A bystander in the context of domestic violence incidents can include:

  • A new partner/spouse of one of the individuals involved
  • Family members of the individuals involved
  • Friends of the individuals involved
  • Children of the individuals involved
  • Bystanders/witnesses who are present during the incident
  • Interveners such as law enforcement officers who are involved in responding to the incident.

Please complete this form to the best of your ability, even if some information is missing or incomplete. We understand that details may be limited, but any information you can provide is valuable. We gather data from multiple sources and prefer to have partial information rather than none at all. You are welcome to submit additional information at a later time as it becomes available. Your participation is greatly appreciated in our effort to gather comprehensive data.