FVIP Training

The Rules for Family Violence Intervention Programs require the following training hours:

Facilitators in Training: 20 Hours of Commision-Provided Training (FVIP Basics Training Series) and 40 Hours of Commission-Approved Training

Certified FVIP Facilitators: 12 Hours of Commission-Approved Training annually (Total of 24 hours of Commission-Approved Training at recertification)


Approved FVIP Curriculum

If you are using a curriculum for your FVIP class that is not listed. Please contact the GCFV FVIP Department to make sure what you're using is appropriate for family violence intervention.

Men's FVIP Classes *Must only be used when facilitating men's classes.*

Choosing Peace: Family Violence Intervention Program for Men

The Duluth Model


Men at Work

The Root Solution



Women's Classes *Must only be used when facilitating women's classes.*

Choosing Peace: Family Violence Intervention Program for Women

Curriculum for Justice-Involved Women & Gender-Diverse People

Domestic Violence Turning Points

Commission-Approved Training

The Georgia Commission on Family Violence approves trainings for FVIPs on an ongoing basis. Please complete the training application below if you are interested in providing training to FVIPs for continuing education hours. 

Please view our Commission-Approved Training page for approved trainings. All trainings listed on this page has been approved. If it is not listed on this page please contact Jameelah Ferrell or Nadege Delva to verify approval.


Director of Program Planning and Development Jameelah Ferrell

Jameelah is the agency's best point of contact on issues including:

  • GCFV's Projects
  • GCFV's Annual Family Violence Conference
  • Family Violence Intervention Program Inquiries