Family Violence Reports
2024 Annual Family Violence Fact Sheet
GCFV produces an annual fact sheet on domestic violence statistics and trends. The most recent version, revised in August 2024, contains information relevant to the problem of family violence in Georgia in as well as national statistics.
Annual Family Violence Fact Sheet
Walking the Line: Navigating Duty and Discretion in Responding to Family Violence
In a pivotal new study released by the Georgia Commission on Family Violence's Fatality Review Project in January 2024, Walking the Line: Navigating Duty and Discretion in Responding to Family Violence offers a fascinating deep dive into the alarming trend of higher arrest rates for women in Georgia family violence cases. Despite the fact that women are typically the victims in domestic violence incidents, the data analysis from the study revealed that they are arrested at a disproportionate rate compared to their male counterparts. The report sheds light on the various factors that influence law enforcement's handling of domestic disturbance calls, revealing a potential gender bias in the conscious and unconscious factors that go into the decision-making process at the scene.
The study calls for specialized training and standardized protocols to improve the way law enforcement officers handle domestic violence cases. By exploring the gender gap in arrest rates, the report argues that safety, accountability, and justice can be better served for all individuals involved, regardless of gender or circumstances, with improvements in training and departmental standards for responding to and investigating these cases. It concludes with recommendations for implementing uniform training and clear, written departmental procedures that align with best practices in domestic violence response to help eliminate disparities in arrest decisions.
the Line: Navigating Duty and Discretion in Responding to Family Violence
Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2018-2021
Published in May 2023, Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2018-2021 summarizes statewide data pertaining to family violence. The data in this report analyzes family violence incidents reported to law enforcement, issuance of Family Violence and Stalking Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs), victims served by state-certified family violence programs, and access to state-certified Family Violence Intervention Programs (FVIPs). We designed this report to be used by Georgia's communities to aid in the development and implementation of an informed, localized, coordinated family violence response.
Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2018-2021
Family Violence and Firearms in Georgia
Published in January 2023, Family Violence and Firearms in Georgia summarizes the descriptions, opinions and suggestions of a range of Georgia professionals engaged in domestic violence response who participated in six regional discussions on abuser access to firearms, with the purpose of determining how abusers’ access to firearms affects the safety of family violence victims, family violence responders, and Georgia communities at large.
Violence and Firearms in Georgia
Teen Dating Violence Topic Brief
Published in December 2022, this Teen Dating Violence Topic Brief provides an overview of the impact and prevalence of teen dating violence. National and local data is provided in order to contextualize the issue and increase awareness about the problem of intimate partner violence among adolescents in Georgia.
Dating Violence Topic Brief
Male Involvement in Family Violence Incidents
Published in February 2022, Male Involvement in Family Violence Incidents examines the roles of those involved in family violence incidents by gender in Georgia from 2016-2020.
Involvement in Family Violence Incidents
Family Violence in Georgia: A Comparative Analysis 2013-2017
Published in September 2021, Family Violence in Georgia: A Comparative Analysis 2013-2017 builds upon reports released under the umbrella of Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2013-2017. The report serves to analyze the relationships between factors related to family violence in a way that accounts for trends unique to six diversely populated geographic tiers within Georgia.
Violence in Georgia: A Comparative Analysis 2013-2017

Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2013-2017
Released in June 2020, Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2013-2017 provides an overview of statewide data pertaining to known incidents of family violence.
Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2013-2017
Recognizing the need for reliable, timely and targeted data about the problem of family violence, the Georgia Commission on Family Violence (GCFV) is pleased to release ten localized editions of Family Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial Districts of Georgia 2013-2017. The ten reports, released December 2020, contain data specific to each of Georgia's ten Judicial Districts and build upon the earlier released Family Violence Statistics and Trends in the State of Georgia 2013-2017.

Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District One 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Two 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Three 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Four 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Five 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Six 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Seven 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Eight 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Nine 2013-2017
Violence Statistics and Trends in Judicial District Ten 2013-2017
Requesting Additional Georgia Family Violence Data
If you are interested in requesting additional data on family violence in Georgia, the Georgia Commission on Family Violence is happy to help. Please complete the GCFV Data Request Form and a member of our staff will follow-up regarding your request. The GCFV Data Request should not be considered an open records request. For open records requests, please contact [email protected].