Training Opportunities - FREE POST CREDIT!

Law Enforcement Training Symposium at GPSTC, September 18-19, 2024 

Answering the Call: Family Violence Response Training - 12 HOURS OF POST CREDIT


Training Description: This comprehensive two-day training program equips professionals with essential knowledge and skills to effectively address family violence (FV) situations. Day 1 covers FV foundations, 911 dispatch best practices, and in-depth sessions on lethality assessments and evidence development for FV investigations. Day 2 delves into evidence-based prosecution strategies, navigating the justice system through victim advocacy and enforcement techniques, special topics like firearm notification protocols, and updates on relevant FV laws and regulations. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of FV dynamics, risk assessment, evidence collection, court proceedings, victim support, and legal considerations, enabling them to provide a coordinated and victim-centered response to domestic abuse cases. 

Regional Law Enforcement Training, Date and Location TBD 

Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention and Law Enforcement Danger Assessment (DA-LE) - 6 HOURS OF POST CREDIT

This comprehensive training program equips law enforcement professionals with essential knowledge and tools to prevent intimate partner homicide. The course covers:

  • National and Georgia-specific intimate partner homicide statistics
  • Key risk factors, including stalking, firearms, homicide/suicide, and in-depth strangulation analysis
  • Core components of intimate partner homicide reduction strategies
  • Evidence-based risk assessment techniques for law enforcement
  • Detailed exploration of the Danger Assessment for Law Enforcement (DA-LE) tool

Participants will engage in interactive case studies, video demonstrations, and practical exercises to reinforce learning. The training emphasizes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to increasing victim safety and offender accountability. By the end of this course, officers will be prepared to implement evidence-based risk assessment tools and collaborate effectively with support services to reduce intimate partner homicide rates.