Media Committee
Return to Starting a Family Violence Task Force
Goal: FVTFs should assign a subcommittee to monitor and engage with local media regarding family violence cases.
- Subcommittee members should review and discuss the Domestic Violence & the Media resource supplement.
- FVTFs should respond directly to the media member responsible for writing or reporting on a family violence media piece by phone or email to offer informed feedback (this includes positive feedback, as well as areas for improvement).
- FVTFs should establish relationships with media members who report on family violence, and share information about media dynamics and family violence.
Goal: FVTFs should take an active role in supporting the media in changing perceptions the public has about family violence.
- FVTF members should submit letters to the editor in order to educate the public about domestic violence. Examples topics for letters to the editor are listed below:
- Current Fatality Review findings
- Annual Stats and Facts on domestic violence. Provides information about Georgia’s ranking in the nation for men killing their female partners.
- DV and Firearms
- Dating Violence
- Workplace Violence
“Why Does She Stay” – Provides information that explains why this is the wrong question to be asking of someone experiencing domestic violence.
- Warning signs
- Victim Blaming
- Faith and DV
- DV and the Effect on Children
- Economic Abuse
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Dynamics and DV
- Disabilities and DV
- Stalking
- DV and the Suicide-Homicide Connection