FVIP Basics Training Series (Virtual)
FVIP Basics is required for those seeking initial certification as an FVIP Facilitator to work with domestic violence offenders. Priority for this training will be given to those seeking certification. If space is available, certified facilitators may attend. Registration will close once capacity is reached.
February 7, 2023
FVIP Basics 1: Joining the Movement to End Family Violence (6 FVIP Hours) - $50 (Prerequisite for FVIP Basics 2&3)
This training explores the movement to end family violence through discussions and activities, including a review of the history of batterer intervention programs in the United States and Georgia. An overview of research on the effectiveness of batterer intervention programs will be provided. The training will conclude with a detailed discussion on the steps and requirements of facilitator certification.
February 8, 2023
FVIP Basics 2: Safety & Accountability (7 FVIP Hours) - $50
This training explores the role of victim safety and participant accountability in the work to family violence intervention programs in Georgia. Explore the concept of accountability, discuss to whom are family violence intervention programs accountable, and how can we embrace and uphold victim safety as the core of work with batterers. The training will include a detailed overview of the role and requirements of Victim Liaisons.
February 9, 2023
FVIP Basics 3: Participant, Program & Class Process (7 FVIP Hours) - $50
This training covers updates to the FVIP Rules concerning the entire FVIP process, from participant referral, to intake and exit procedures, to class design, class rules, facilitation considerations, class culture and group process, compliance monitoring and reporting.
Space is limited. Each training day costs $50 (nonrefundable and nontransferable). Payment must be received by January 27, 2023. Failure for GCFV to receive payment in the correct amount owed by January 27,2023 will result in your spot being given to someone on the waitlist. You may attend one training session or all three training days, but Day 1 is a prerequisite for the remaining days. Each training day costs $50 (non refundable and non transferable). You can pay online with a credit card. If you choose that option, an invoice will be emailed to you, or you mail a check or money order made out to the Georgia Commission on Family Violence (2 Martin Luther King, Jr. SE, Ste 866 East Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334) January 27, 2023 to secure your registration.