FVIP Participant Contract Requirements

FVIPs must require each participant to sign a contract before being permitted entry into the program. The contract must require the participant to:

1) Immediately stop all violence and abuse towards the victim and others.

2) Remove from the place of residence all firearms.

3) Remove from the place of residence any weapons used to harm or threaten the victim.

4) Respect any effort by the victim to leave the relationship.

5) Attend twenty-four (24) ninety (90) minute group classes at the rate of one (1) class per week, arrive on time, participate regularly, pay all required fees, complete all assignments, and adhere to the contract.

6) Complete the program where the participant originally enrolled unless approval to transfer FVIPs is obtained from the court, other referral source, or the Commission.

7) Be drug and alcohol free during all classes.

8) Acknowledge that FVIPs do not limit confidentiality and may release information to victims, victim liaisons, referring courts, law enforcement, Commission staff and monitors, the Department, the Board of Pardons and Paroles and others.

9) Acknowledge the FVIP’s duty to warn policy, mandatory reporting requirements, victim contact policies, programmatic response to continued violence and consequences of breaking the FVIP’s participant contract