Our Projects

GCFV carries out statutory duties through the following projects:

Public Awareness & Education

GCFV provides training statewide on family violence and related issues, such as building safer communities, protocol development, and workplace violence.

Statewide Annual Conference 

GCFV’s Annual Conference provides an opportunity for more than 450 participants to receive the most up-to-date training by state and national experts on best practices addressing family and domestic violence.

Family Violence Intervention Programs (FVIPs)

GCFV and the Department of Community Supervision (DCS) establish standards for FVIPs in Georgia. GCFV also assists DCS in training, certifying, and monitoring FVIPs. Certified FVIPs are designed to rehabilitate family violence offenders and are charged with prioritizing victim safety and participant accountability.

Community Task Forces

GCFV works to create and maintain family violence task forces within each of the 49 judicial circuits of Georgia. Statistics show that implementing a Coordinated Community Response through a Task Force can help to lower a community’s family violence homicide rate.

Family Violence Fatality Review Project

GCFV serves as a clearinghouse for statewide family violence data. Through analysis of this data, and publication of evidence-based reports pertaining to the problem of intimate partner violence, FVFRP works to reduce domestic violence deaths, increase victim safety and abuser accountability. 

Support for Survivors of Murder-Suicide

GCFV provides support, resources, and referrals to survivors of murder-suicide in Georgia. In addition, we provide training, technical assistance, and resources to communities and constituents for the purpose of strategically implementing innovative systematic changes based on the findings and recommendations of the project.

Legislative Advocacy

GCFV has been instrumental in creating laws to enhance safety to domestic violence victims and their children, including those related to shelter confidentiality, Georgia’s Protective Order Registry, FVIP Certification, increased penalties for offenders, and increased resources for victims.


GCFV conducts ongoing research on a range of issues related to domestic violence and periodically disseminates the findings to policymakers and the general public.