Integrating ‘Principles of Effective Intervention’ (PEI) into Domestic Violence Intervention Programs: Opportunities for Change, presented by Dr. Tara Richards and Dr. Dana Radatz  

December 17, 2019, 2pm – 3:30pm EST, Registration: $10

Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) are important intervention points for accountability and rehabilitation for offenders engaged in a variety of criminal behaviors, including general offending and domestic violence. In recent years, researchers and practitioners have suggested integrating evidence-based practices into BIPs to improve their effectiveness at addressing offender recidivism. In particular, they suggest infusing the “principles of effective intervention (PEI),” an evidence-based framework found within correctional programming, into BIPs. Initial study and field research findings have revealed promising results regarding the integration of the PEI into BIPs. This webinar will provide an introductory level understanding regarding BIPs’ history, evaluation, and current status. Further, we will present the most up-to-date research on domestic violence offenders, their general offending behaviors, and their range of criminogenic risk and need factors, as outlined by the PEI. Lastly, we will discuss strategies for addressing criminogenic risk and need factors among BIP clients, as well as present how BIPs’ work with clients who have varied criminal histories can and should be leveraged for increased support from state and federal funding streams.