The 14th Annual Report of the Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project highlights the connections between domestic violence-related homicides and stalking; it reveals that intimate partner stalkers are the most dangerous type of stalker and stalking is a risk factor for homicide. However, stalking behaviors are often overshadowed by other abusive and controlling behaviors within relationships. To improve victim safety and perpetrator accountability, we need to be aware of what to look for and how to respond to stalking. In this day-long workshop, we'll provide an overview of key findings and recommendations on stalking from the Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project. You'll learn how to identify stalking behaviors and address them with FVIP participants, as well as practices to uphold victim safety when stalking is suspected or disclosed by a participant. 

CEUs: This training has been approved by the Commission for 6 FVIP CE hours. 

Registration: Seating is limited. Priority will be given to approved FVIP facilitators in Georgia and FVIP facilitators in training in Georgia. Registration will not be complete until we receive a check from you in the correct amount owed ($25 for Georgia facilitators and facilitators in training, $50 for all others). We will not deposit the check unless your seat is secured. We will email you to confirm your registration upon receipt of your check.


Please note if you are more than 15 minutes late you will not be admitted to the training. If you miss more than 15 minutes of the training, we will not be able to issue a certificate of completion and you will not receive CEU credit.