FVIP Monitoring & Compliance

GCFV regularly conducts monitoring visits as part of our ongoing effort to ensure compliance with FVIP Rules and Standard Operating Procedures. Monitoring visits consist of a minimum of one class observation, administrative review of participant files, and collateral contact with victim liaisons and referral sources.

Pursuant to section 125-4-9-.11 of the Family Violence Intervention Program Rules, FVIPS must allow scheduled and unscheduled monitoring visits by Department staff and monitors or Community Family Violence Task Force members.

If your program is selected for a site visit, the following may occur:

Scheduled Site Visit

  1. A staff member or monitor from GCFV will contact you to schedule a time to observe a class. Please allow an hour before or following the class (to be decided with the staff member or monitor) for the monitor to conduct an administrative file review. Ensure you have access to all participant files and folders at the administrative file review.
  2. The staff member or monitor will sit outside the circle of participants, take notes during the class, and will not participate in any discussion or conversation during the class.
  3. The staff member or monitor will review at least 6 participant files. The monitor may also request additional files to review from participants reported to GCFV.
  4. The staff member or monitor will review program curriculum.
  5. The staff member or monitor will provide feedback at the conclusion of the monitoring visit. GCFV staff will follow-up with more in-depth feedback.

Unscheduled Site Visit

  1. A staff member or monitor from GCFV will arrive prior to the start of the class and explain that you have been selected for an unscheduled site visit. You must allow the staff member or monitor to observe the class and access participant files.
  2. The staff member or monitor will sit outside the circle of participants, take notes during the class, and will not participate in any discussion or conversation during the class.
  3. The staff member or monitor will review at least 6 participant files. The monitor may also request additional files from participants reported to GCFV.
  4. The staff member or monitor will review program curriculum.
  5. The staff member or monitor will provide feedback at the conclusion of the monitoring visit. GCFV staff will follow-up with more in-depth feedback.


If the staff member or monitor observes any violations of FVIP rules, the program will be issued a Notice of Deficiency. The Notice of Deficiency will clearly outline the rule that was violated and the finding from the monitoring visit. Upon receipt of the Notice of Deficiency, the program will have 10 days to return a Corrective Action Plan to the Department which must outline in detail how the program will come into full compliance of the FVIP Rules.

The Department will notify the program if the Corrective Action Plan is sufficient. Typically, no further information from the program is needed.

If the Corrective Action Plan is insufficient, the Department will notify your program and you will have 30 days to submit a sufficient Corrective Action Plan.